Thursday, April 1, 2010

Fluffy Evilness

I was speechless the other day. Brad made the comment that we should get a bunny for the backyard. Both Julie and I looked at him like he had lost his ever-loving mind.

Could you just imagine what having a white effer like this hopping around in my backyard would do to my sanity?

I would sit by the glass doors for hours, staring out looking for the bunny. All the while he hides from me. Taunting me. Me knowing he knows I am looking for him, and him knowing he holds that power over me. Finally showing his rabbit face at my glass door and laughing at me while I try to lunge at him through the glass, but him knowing that I cannot break through it so he is safe to torture me with his effed up bunny powers.

Bunnies may look cute, but they are evil. Pure evil.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

they sure know how to reproduce though (oh, sorry Howard, I forgot, you're not swingin' 'em any more)