Wednesday, May 5, 2010

QVC Much?

Life is good.

Orange Effer has not been by in quite awhile. The UPS Effer is another story. I think the neighbor may have a QVC addiction, but who am I to judge?

I got a new bag of food tonight, and Julie bought me the most amazing dog treats from Trader Joes. They are organic even...but don't worry, I am never going she she la la. I will always be a shiny coated magnificent bastard who eats thunder and craps lightning. My mouth waters and I cannot stop my tongue from licking my chops when they take one out of the box. It is about the only thing that can make me stop mid-bark.

Never fear, I am always on constant Effer watch and will be bringing you the latest in Effer Drama soon.


Anonymous said...

wow, Howard you are getting hoity-toity there a bit with the organic politically correct trader joe's doggie treats....if you keep that up you won't be crapping lightening for long, but rather you'll be defecating daisies...don't let the orange effer see you or you will never live it need at least a bloody-gummed rawhide bone or Aflac or something

Anonymous said...

lightning, rather (sp)