Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Yogi and Boo Boo

Tuolumne Meadows in Yosemite, where my masters were WITHOUT me yesterday.

I cannot believe Brad and Julie went somewhere so beautiful without me. They mentioned some sort of cockamamie story about dogs not being allowed in the park and off they went like a couple of jet-setting fools.

I would have protected them from Yogi and Boo Boo while they ate their pic-a-nic lunch. I would also have bellyached the entire trip. I'm old. It's what I do.

I stayed at home and licked my boo boos all day long. Licking my boo boos is something I cannot do as much when Julie is home, because it drives her insane. If I do it in the dead of night when I think she is asleep, she will wake up long enough to hiss at me, "NO BOO BOOS HOWIE!" I stop licking of course, but only after I let out a long sigh to let her know I do not appreciate her reprimand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

not sure what boo boos you are licking, but then again I don't need or even want to know...besides, I thought they weren't there anymore...nevermind end of subject...Ranger Smith would also not approve of your chasing miscellaneous effers all over either...but Jellystone is not that great this time of year anyway...very crowded, hot, traffic, etc....I thought that was Half Dome at first in the pix, but it looks upon closer inspection more like quarter or 1/8th dome...