Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Very Important Pooch

Dearest Reader of Mine,

I apologize that I have not been updating my dog blog lately. I am at the mercy of a couple of humans to do my typing for me, and they have their heads up their, ahem, excuse me. They are busy.

I don't know what has happened to Orange Effer since the photo shoot in the park. Apparently word must have gotten out that I am hot on his trail. He knows he over-stepped his boundaries with me. He knows...and is scared like the little Orange Effer he is.

Christmas is coming and I hope Orange Effer gets a lump of coal in his stocking. I bet Orange Effer does have a little stocking on some mantle in some idiot's house. Probably some dog hating person. Probably his owner is the UPS Effer, or maybe the FedEx Effer, or the Water Effer. Maybe all of those Effers live together in their own little Effer Family. "Hi, We're the Effers!"

Well, I'll be updating again soon. Not to worry. I am sure this coming year will bring plenty of blogging opportunities.

Howard, Shiny-Coated Magnificent Bastard
VIP (Very Important Pooch)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Howard I think you are pulling my leg here...you can load a sim card into a digital camera and you can't type? I know you are typing on your doggie keyboard.... methinks you are just full of eggnog and turkey leftovers from Thanksgiving, and have been "doggin' it" lately, mailin' it in....but I forgive you...it's the holidays...I hope the effer kitten is hanged on his mitten...hope Santa gives you a nice rawhide bone