Sunday, June 26, 2011

Shiny Coated Magnificent Prankster

Brad and Julie are treating me to an evening of sitting out on the front lawn tonight. I deserve this. I really do. I am a damn good dog, and I keep them safe from more harm than they both know.

Speaking of which. You know one of my favorite things to do? I will tell you. I am a shiny coated magnificent black dog. My coat blends well with the night. If I see someone walking by that I do not particularly care for, they do not see me, and so I bark like a raging beast out of nowhere. I love to see the people jump and run like Cujo is coming after them, as I run up to the edge of the lawn and stop short of attacking.

Does that make me bad? Oh, well, it is all in good fun. Heh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like you also lunge at passers by when you are in the parked car...I have been lunged at and snarled at by the best of them, while walking past parked cars and being startled into apoplexy by the dog lurking in the seat, to being lunged at while I am just going for my jog/run by dogs on leashes who choke on their chains trying to rip my throat out, to pooches exploding in barks from their lawns, all of it...must be a territorial DNA molecule in the limbic part of the brain, that is the 1% of the dog brain that is not connected to smell in some way...without exception, the dog's owner always gives a sheepish grin, and says, "oh he's really nice, don't worry"...or some such clueless comment...but, as I naturally like dogs, I do give them a pass...they can't help it...