Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My Artisic Sister

My Artistic Sister

Guest post written by my buddy Aldo Mays

My sister recently decided to open an art gallery in downtown Atlanta. She’s been a “starving artist” since she graduated from college and my parents were less than thrilled when she told them the profession she chose after studying social work for five years at UGA. It took her four years to channel her talent onto the canvas, and I have to admit, she is very talented. She decided to open the gallery after a friend of hers in real estate found her a great deal on a beautiful brick building. She spent months prepping the building and even had an alarm system installed for a decent price that she found on ALLHOMEsecurity.com. She had beautiful lighting and hardwood floors installed, and she’ll be displaying her canvases as well as some pottery made by another local artist. Her opening night for the gallery is on Friday, and our entire family will be there to support her. It took my parents a few years to admit it, but they couldn’t be prouder of my sister’s success.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Way back when I was a puppy I would chase the rabbits during my walks in the desert. During one of my walks a guy walks up to Brad and asks does your dog not like rabbits? Brad told him he just likes to chase them, after all he is a dog. The guy mentioned he had some pet rabbits and needed to know where he could find rabbit hutches for sale. Brad told him he had no idea but he knows where to get heavy duty dog crates. I looked at Brad with the look you better not be putting me into a dog crate. I put up with quite a bit but not a dog crate.
I even once was out with Brad while he was using a sprayer for Round Up and I licked some of it off the grass it had a weird taste and I never did that again.
I still eat grass but not right after he has sprayed Round Up