Thursday, January 26, 2012

Effer Tracking System

Brad had to keep me out of the house for an hour after the BUG MAN EFFER sprayed the inside of our house for the insane ANT EFFERS. I tell you, so many effers, so little time. I am getting too many effers in my life to keep track of. I need an effer tracking system or something.

Anyway, the Big Red Dog that walks around the park has started to look a little too cocky. I can't have that. It is complete bull. No one steals my thunder and gets away with it. Since my congestive heart failure kicks in from time-to-time, Brad had to stop for me to have a break during our walk today. Well, on one of those breaks, Big Red Dog trots by like "Hey, hey, hey, look at me, I am young and virile and full of energy, I own this park." Boiled my blood. I mustered up all of the energy I had, and let that bastard have it when he walked by. Scared him to death. He didn't think this old dog had it in him, but I did, oh yes, I did. Big Red Dog had to find himself a little spot to pee afterward, just like an over-excited cocker spaniel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

every dog has his day....that dog will get his someday...of course you gave him hell for his "dissing" you, but some day he will be having to stop and rest as well during his walk...if he lasts as long as you...I did a Google for effer...there is a multi billion dollar international crane construction company called Effer...I guess that's because when their operators screw up and drop something by accident on some poor pedestrian, they can say "...whoops, there goes another poor effer"...I did "orange effer" on Google, and your blog came up! also a picture of you snoozing!'re an effer's worst nightmare and a celebrity magnificent bastard!