Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Cone Is Off!

I have to say that I am one happy sonofaB to have my cone off. Oh, did I forget to tell you about that? My bad, but I've been so freakin' happy that I haven't had time to tell my vast fan base, the 4 or so people who read my blog on a daily basis.

I have also been busy protecting my backyard from that nut job who keeps digging under the fence and coming over. WHO does he think he is? My owners are all, "Oh how sad, the poor little guy has to live outside all the time even in the rain and now he is coming to our backyard to sit under the tree while it rains."




I do NOT feel sorry for him.

I don't.

MAYBE if he had not torn his dog house down he would have somewhere to stay dry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

howard he (that other mutt) is playing for sympathy...don't let him snow your owners!...he is bad news...maybe you should poop in that hole under the fence to mark your territory...glad the cone is more conehead impersonations