Sunday, October 11, 2009

Gimpy Ear Dog

I don't know what to do with myself...Brad and Julie are going to take me to the vet again. I heard them discussing this, openly, as if I were not even in the same room. Hello? It is my ear that is puffed up like a freaking blow fish. Shouldn't I even have a say in the matter? I question, do I want to go through another surgery? No, no, no! I do not! But my ear hurts, and I cannot live on pain pills alone. I'll become an addict, and that is not good. I'll be out on the streets looking for my next dose of doggie vicodin when my perscription runs out.

What to do, what to do? I heard Julie saying that she doesn't want to put me through another surgery either, because my puffed ear will probably just come back. What is the vet going to do for me? Amputate my ear?

It stinks to get old.


Anonymous said...

it could be worse...many pooches have no "insurance" (in your case, your insurance is your owners) your ear could blow up AND you still have pain...some owners would even put their pooches Howard you are lucky to have those two who at least care about think that effer next door who is cruel to his dog would care if his dog's ear blew out? think about that next time you are chewing on your Aflac

Anonymous said...

I heard through the doggie grapevine that you are really in the "doghouse" (no pun intended)...and that you have been banned from the computer for a while as a must have really done it this time...another fine is the world going to know of your adventures now?

Howard said...

Its true, I am in trouble and thats all I can say right now. Next week when julie has some time I will try to talk her into letting me post again. She has been working alot and so has brad.