Saturday, January 31, 2009


You wanna hear something funny? This guy lives outside almost all of the time. He is a peaceful neighbor and in the six months I've lived in my new house, I've never had the occasion to fight with him through the fence like the new dog who moved in next door a little over a month ago. You know what this dog did between yesterday afternoon and this morning? He tore his dog house down! Down like the big bad wolf huffed and puffed it down. I'm not showing any signs of weakness or anything, but he makes me nervous. What kind of nut job tears his own house down? An unstable nut job, that's who. Plus he has the balls to dig into my backyard and stand there like nobody's business. I think I've met my match. I'm gonna leave him alone.

He is like the guy whose neighbors always say, "He was a quiet man," right after he has been arrested for a murdering rampage!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

he looks like a pit bull...definitely psycho potential...I hope his master has liability insurance for when he rips apart the kiddies down the street who stumble into are wise for not taking him on Howard...on the other hand, it might be fun to taunt him a bit, just to get his adrenaline pumping...hee hee...just make sure you are at a safe distance