Friday, April 17, 2009

All Hail King Howard

I got caught. On the couch. This morning. By Julie. I tried to use my best, "What? Huh? How did I get up here?" look. It didn't work on her. She was ticked. T-O'ed. I just don't know what it is. Why can't I stay off that couch? I mean, I KNOW she does not want me up there, but I still do it. Is it my passive aggressive way of telling her I am the boss and not her? Brad doesn't care one way or the other. If it were just me and Brad, we'd be on the couch together at nap time.

Man it is so cushy and comfy on the couch. I was sleeping like an old hound dog, and having great dog dreams where I was the ruler of my kingdom and all the other dogs and cats feared me. FEARED me! Muhahahahahaha. Then Julie had to come wake me up and I was humbled. I don't like being humbled. I HOWARD DO NOT LIKE TO BE HUMBLED...not even by Brad who still has to sit on me after 11 years when I sometimes misbehave!

Now I'm ticked! I need another nap. On the couch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Julie probably knows your funk (doggie aroma) will permeate the couch...and dog hairs...can't understand why that would bother her, least you have recognized the fine art of "divide and conquer" (Brad is on your side, and you play him that way, as Julie probably knows he's on your side)...maybe if you wore your preppy shirt next time she wouldn't mind