Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Howard's Morning Routine

When Julie gets home from work after a long 12 hour shift I need things. I need to be let out, then I need an ice cube, after that I might need to be let out again, then I need a snack and ice water, after that I need to make sure my food is in my bowl, because even though I do not plan on eating my breakfast for hours, I want to know it is there. What can I say? I am an old man with bowel and bladder urgency, and I need my routine to be maintained or I simply freak out and cannot handle it. If she is home and happens to sleep past 8:30 in the morning, I just will not have it. I need stuff to start happening by 8:30 a.m. max.

Somebody please get me a prescription for Xanax!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey, I've been there, hell, I AM there...with the bladder thing etal...at least you don't have the prostate thing, or you would have them having to let you out every 30 minutes...I like the ear thing you have going on...very stylish, with the right ear going 90 degrees, and the left ear flopping, with an air of nonchalant insouciance...at least at your age you have good senior doggy care (maybe you're not a senior yet, but you're past mid-life crisis in dog years)...better than two-leggers get, with Medicare...you have really good Medipooch care