Sunday, December 20, 2009

Got Insurance?

Brad and Julie get to see all the interesting sights while I stay home and protect the mansion. My questions about this picture are:

A. How does this goat like being tied to the bumper? I would be T-Oed.
B. Has this guy ever heard of a dog? Dogs are mans best friend, not goats.
C. Can you get pet insurance on a goat?

I just have these burning questions when I look at this picture. I mean, how fair is it that this godforsaken GOAT of all living creatures gets to go on a road trip and I, Howard, do not?


Anonymous said...

the owner looks like a goat too...maybe they are moving in next door....more effers through the fence...sorry... just couldn't resist pushing your pooch buttons a bit

Anonymous said...

have a good xmas Howard...I hope your owners put an extra milkbone or whatever in your stocking