Thursday, June 24, 2010


You know, there is something nice about getting older. It is harder for Brad or Julie to get mad at me. I can get away with murder most of the time. Even swallowing whole chicken bones. Please do not misunderstand me. I do not wish to displease Brad and Julie, but sometimes our agendas just don't match up.

What is high on their list of priorities is not necessarily high on mine.

For example:

Julie buys a garbage can with a lid on it to keep me out of it.
I see this as a great way of keeping delicious leftovers nice and fresh.

Julie uses moisturizer to keep her skin soft.
I see this as a delicious frosting.

Brad wears socks everyday to keep his feet warm.
I see taking these socks as a nice way to get Brad to chase me.
(And then get a belly rub after he catches me)

Brad plants something new in the garden to admire.
I use the new shrubbery as another nice territory marker.

I don't know what to do sometimes, but I just have to keep being me. I am Howard, a fine looking pooch, with an agenda of my own. I came into this world a fighter, and I will likely leave this world a fighter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very philosophic post today gotta swim, birds gotta fly....(pooches gotta slobber and be pooches)