Well, Junior has a bark collar. He tried to start a fight with me through the fence, and it stopped before it got started. He barked and yelped. Yep...and I think it is because of one episode late Saturday night that involved the police. Junior was barking his fool head off for over an hour, when Julie had had enough. Don't mess with her. She has been laying down the law around here, but that's another story. Anyway, she called the non-emergency number, and asked if there was anything that could be done about a barking dog whose owners did not seem to be home. Apparently there is, and it is as if that damn Junior KNEW Julie was calling the cops on him, because he shut his mug instantly. To be honest with you, Junior is the Chuck Manson of the dog world. I wouldn't go spreading this around, but he is one messed up puppy, and I may or may not have seen a swastika on his forehead. Okay, maybe not, but still, he is cah-razy!
Funny, how these pooches that start fights with me through the fence all end up with bark collars. Kinda makes me feel bad, because, really, I could back down but choose not to. Hmm, oh well, I'll get over it!