Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sir Barks a Shock

The water man came by again. I can't handle that effer. He knocks and runs every single time.

Junior is about ready to knock over the fence. Poor Junior. She runs and jumps up on the fence, and knocks and bangs around in her backyard like damn bull. Junior is bored, and Junior is often bored at 2 and 3 a.m. It wakes me up and ticks me off! Then I have to bark and then Brad and Julie wake up and they get ticked at me. It is a vicious cycle these days. It is worse than when Orange Effer used to prance around at all hours.

Speaking of Orange Effer...I have not seen his evil face in quite some time. He must have learned not to mess with me. Good.

Sir Barks a Lot, is now Sir Barks a Shock. I have not heard even ONE peep out of him. He doesn't even try to fight me through the fence anymore. This is a travesty! They have squashed his spirit!!! I fear for my neighbor friends. What kind of people get dogs and just throw them out in the backyard? I would tell you, but it would not be politically correct.

Julie is recovering well from her surgery. Brad has not had any further fainting spells. That is good too, because I do not know how to do a code blue. All I can do is bark and lick and worry. What do they call that? A code Lassie?

Julie was reminding Brad of a funny story about me when I was a puppy. I was born during the hot months in Arizona, and when I would come in from doing my business outside. I would put my front paws in my water bowl and splash them around. Smart little bastard I was even back then! Just looking for a way to cool my paws, or puppy paddies, as Brad calls them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dogs are having a tougher unhapper time these days because their owners are also going through tougher unhappy time (no excuse though)...they project it on to their dogs...some people must buy dogs only for security and just toss them outside to bark away the have better, Howard, you shiny-coated magnificent (and lucky) bastard: dab & soak your paws in gratitude to the doggie demi-gods for your good fortune!