Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Here Birdy Birdy Birdy

Julie has a basket with tulips and a couple of ceramic birds sitting on the coffee table for spring. As I was relaxing on the couch this afternoon, all by myself, I felt a growling in my belly. I was damn hungry. To be honest with you, Brad can be a little stingy on my dog food. He is thin, and does not understand the nutritional needs of the chubby. So those two ceramic birds started looking extremely tasty. I could just taste their scrumptious fat little bodies melt in my mouth. I think I was hallucinating from hunger pangs!

I did something next, that I may or may not regret. Okay, I don't. I knocked that basket off of the table and made a mess out of it. I had to have a good chuckle when Brad was so stumped over how the basket ended up on the floor. I tried to tell him that Orange Effer did it. He didn't buy it when he noticed the paper-grass shavings stuck to my mug.

Note to self: ceramic birds are not as yummy and tender as KFC or El Pollo Loco birds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...nor as tasty as the kitchen garbage can for chicken bones, when the Powers That Be are not around