Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Chihuahua: A Breed of Barking Rat

Last night I was enjoying my evening walk like I normally like to do, when this freak of nature jumped out at me getting up in my grill like he was going to take me on.

First of all, Chihuahuas should not even be considered a breed of dog. Let's just get that straight. Chihuahuas are rats who happen to bark. Plain and simple.

Secondly, I take craps bigger than most Chihuahuas. How dare this mexican jumping bean hop around me like he is some prize fighter!

Thirdly, I have no beef with taking a chunk out of a little Chihuahua and most Chihuahua owners are, well, how do I put this delicately, high maintenance humans who would freak out and get all emotional and pissy and I just have no tolerance for that.

Here is my advice dear Chihuahua owner: Keep your rat dog's mug out of my grill! Keep them on a short leash when I walk by, and I won't have to bite 'em.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

drop the chalupa...yo quiero taco bell...although that old commercial is getty pretty old, so you probably don't get that joke, Howard....agreed on this breed of rodent, though...next time, just doggie bitchslap them