Monday, July 5, 2010

Howard + Fireworks - Walk = Neurotic Mess

I am so glad that we live in California and the freaking fireworks are over for another year. When we lived in Illinois, those damn looney effers would shoot off fireworks almost every night until September. Not the little kinds you light off in front of your house, as if those are not bad enough, oh no, those Illinoisans would shoot off big, light up the sky, make me think I am in Baghdad, fireworks.

Must of been a Blagojevich thing. Talk about a looney effer! Don't get me wrong, I did love Illinois and the lush green lawns, and snow, oh the snow. All the snow ALMOST makes up for the fireworks, but fireworks are in the forefront of my mind at this time so please excuse the tad bitterness I harbor. You don't mind if I blame it on Blago, do you? Better than the innocent people of Illinois, right?

Anyhoo...I did not get a walk last night, because I was waaaaayyyyyy too riled up.

Howard + Fireworks - Walk = Neurotic Mess.

It was a night made in hell I tell you! Yes, you heard me, HELL.

Brad made up for it tonight though. He took me on a nice long walk, in the heat no less, and I am all tuckered out and ready for bed. I love my naps, and I love my peaceful nights sleep without the disturbance of fireworks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

our dog used to seek comfort by cozying up to us and nuzzling her muzzle under our arms...she really got nervous and upset with the firecrackers and all...I don't care much for them either, as they are a excuse for the troublemakers to get rowdy and out of hand...add alcohol to the mix, and that I live near the beach bluffs, and you have a bad combination for 4th of July...glad it is over, I'm with you Howard