Monday, March 7, 2011

Princes of Shady Lane Park

There was a group of toy poodles in the park yesterday that fascinated me. There were 3 or 4 of these little white puffs of fur hopping and bouncing around in the park like it was THEIR park. I sat and observed for awhile and let them think they were the Little Princes of Shady Lane Park. As I sat there making my observations, I thought to myself, "Self, little white poodles aren't really dogs. In fact, their very breed calls them a toy so why should I not be allowed to go across the street and chew on them?"

I took off like a streak of white lightning, or maybe maple syrup, but whatever, I was making my way over to those toys to make one or two of them my new chew toy. Move over Aflac! I barked and growled until Brad grabbed me by the collar mid-stride and mid-bark.

I was heated. I was mad that Brad would stop me from taking what is rightfully mine, in what is rightfully MY park. I ignored Brad for as long as I possibly could, for about 1 minute to be exact. He needed to be punished for his actions. Then of course we made up. He scratched my ear, and I licked his hand. How could I be mad at the man who rubs my belly and takes me for nightly walks, and lets me lick his plate when he is done eating? Not even toy poodles, or effers alike, can come between me and Brad.


Anonymous said...

really schmaltzy today....poodles originally were large dogs, and "standard" poodles still are...they are the real poodles...the large dogs are alright, the name and "french" adjective (which is wrong, they German in origin), as well as the poofy clip jobs, have made them seem sissy, to be sure, but the large "standards" are pretty cool dogs...not up to your standard of course though, Howard

Howard said...

Did you just call me schmaltzy? I don't know whether I should lick you or bite you. Schmaltzy sounds like something that describes Orange Effer, not me, but I could be wrong.

Anonymous said...

you were just getting a bit misty-eyed over Brad...sorry though

Howard said...

Well then schmaltzy is definitely not Orange Effer. That effer has a heart of pure evil! Thank you for reading my dog blog.