Friday, June 26, 2009

Wake Up Little Snoozy!

Julie took a nap this afternoon, and this is what she saw when she woke up. Sometimes I just sit and stare at Brad or Julie when I want them to wake up. I use my telekinetic powers, and it usually works.

As far as I am concerned, Brad and Julie should get their sleep at NIGHT. The daytime is my time to relax and nap. How can I let my guard down while they are napping? The kitties would take over, Effer would think he is in charge, and that yapping bastard next door would NEVER shut-up.

My job is never done. Being King is not easy. Trust me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

something tells me Howard that you are not awake all night, least they don't srare at you when you snooze...if they did, they would never have time for antying else...