Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Volleycat with Orange Effer

Dammit Brad! Take the baby back.

Yes, the baby still lives here. He eats and poops more than I do. Brad and Julie had it made when it was just the three of us. That baby likes to try to come be my buddy, but I will not have it.
It is bad enough that I have to share my walks with the baby effer.
Still no Orange Effer sightings. I have been wracking my brain wondering what has happened to that damn bastard. This morning at 4 a.m. when Deuce Jr. was barking and body slamming the fence, I got excited. My heart was racing and my veins were bulging with the excitement that quite possibly Orange Effer was sitting on the fence tormenting Deuce Jr. My mind raced with the possibilities. Deuce Jr. and I playing volleycat over the fence sounded mighty damn fun.
That was all squashed when Julie hissed at me and threatened my life if I barked and waked up the baby effer.
It was too good to be true anyway. Julie let me out and there was nothing out there. Just Deuce Jr. being her typical psychotic self. I would have started fighting through the fence with Jr. but Julie was threatening me with the water hose if I did. I hate the water hose.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your mug is looking a tad drawn in your latest photo there, may be a bit neurotic...when orange effer is there, you go nuts; when he is not there, you go nuts worrying about why he is not there...try not to stress out, life is short...once in a while, try to remember to stop and smell the flowers (or the discarded chicken bones in the kitchen bin) my old boss used to tell me, "don't sweat the small stuff"...maybe you should put on that snazzy polo shirt, and chill...try to get along with that new little pooping machine...sorry to nag, but remember: despite what you might think with that new arrival in the house, your owners still care a lot about you, never forget