Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Effers of Fire!

I think Orange Effer has a baby. I met baby Orange Effer in the park tonight. Well, let me say it was not a formal "How do you do" meeting, but a "I'm gonna get you effer if you don't run" meeting. Do you expect any less from me? Heh.

I was on a leash, and Brad humored me a little and we ran after baby Orange Effer. You should have seen it. A tall thin white guy and a fat, old black dog running through the grassy park like the Chariots of Fire after one baby Orange Effer. I think I surprised myself, and Brad too, at how fast I was. I know I surprised that damn baby Orange Effer! He did not expect portly old me to run like the wind was under my tail!

The young baby kitty got away. Brad and I are not as young as we used to be. That's for sure! I'm going to have to go get some of those glucosamine tablets that my most favorite (and only) reader of this blog recommended. I don't know who you are pal, but I sure like your comments!

The other baby effer of the human variety likes to imitate me drinking out of my bowl. I am wondering, is he mocking me? That baby chirps around here like he is a damn parakeet, and carries on like you would not believe. Oh well, Brad has cut back on my food and snacks a little, but baby effer keeps slipping me an extra ravioli or two from his high chair.


Anonymous said...

Howard you need to get your blog out there and better known....it's one of my favorites, right up there with Drudge and Zero Hedge and MarketTicker, etc...Howard the Dog beats them all though...humans could learn from it...humans try to do too much....save the world, blow up the world, crash the markets, buy McMansions, lose McMansions, spend too much, etc., ad nauseum...what we should really consider doing is forgetting all that stuff, and just go scare orange effers, and UPS effers, water delivery effers...you would probably even do a better job getting Osama Bin Laden then we have...now THERE is a rag-headed effer...they EAT dogs over there

Anonymous said...

or, if the Effer is within sight, code orange